Das SEO Werkzeug für smarte Agenturen
Deine All-In-One Lösung für Rank Tracking, Reporting, On Page Analyse und White Labelling.
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Rank Tracker
Rank Tracker hilft dir deine Suchmaschinen Rankings zu überwachen und umfassende Information deiner Keywords abzurufen.
Einfache und intuitive Integration mit Google Analytics.
Erfassung von Traffic, Conversions, popular Content und mehr.
Die Konkurrenzanalyse hilft dir wichtige Informationen, wie Traffic, Ranking und Sichbarkeit deiner Mitbewerber zu analysieren.
Site auditor
Site auditor überprüft alle Seiten deiner Webseite auf technische Fehler und Broken Links.
Top Analyse
Die Top Analyse bietet detaillierte Informationen aller Top 10 Webseiten einer SERP von jeder Suchmaschine.
Keyword Finder
Der Keyword Finder erleichtert deine Keyword Recherche. Identifiziere die effizientesten Keywords, überwache ihre Performance und entwickle den perfekten SEO Plan.

Wir bieten dir die komplette SEO Lösung, damit du erfogreiche SEO Kampagnen etnwickeln und umsetzen kannst. Die Funktionen von RankActive haben schon vielen Businesses bei der erfolreichen Umsetzung ihrer SEO Ziele geholfen.
White Label
Provide your customers with branded white-label reports. You can even use RankActive under your own brand name to get extra authority points.
Provide your customers with branded white-label reports. You can even use RankActive under your own brand name to get extra authority points.
Report Center
Erstelle maßgeschneiderte Kundenreports mit Performance Metriken und sende Sie direkt an deine Kunden. Spare Zeit und lasse Rank Active für dich arbeiten.
Erstelle maßgeschneiderte Kundenreports mit Performance Metriken und sende Sie direkt an deine Kunden. Spare Zeit und lasse Rank Active für dich arbeiten.
Account Access management
Gib deinem Team Zugang zu Rank Active und teile wichtige Informationen mit Ihnen. Du behälst die Kontrolle. Teile und besprich Arbeitsergebnisse Live mit deinen Kunden.
Gib deinem Team Zugang zu Rank Active und teile wichtige Informationen mit Ihnen. Du behälst die Kontrolle. Teile und besprich Arbeitsergebnisse Live mit deinen Kunden.
Spare wertvolle Zeit und lasse dir alle wichtigern Metriken täglich in deine Inbox schicken.
Spare wertvolle Zeit und lasse dir alle wichtigern Metriken täglich in deine Inbox schicken.
Rank Active Live
Der beste Wege alle Vorteile von Rank Active kennenzulernen ist Live. Vereinbare noch heute einen Termin und steige ein in die faszinierende SEO Welt von Rank Active.
Was Kunden Sagen

Our company and RankActive platform have been together from the very beginning, from the first alpha and beta versions. And I can’t imagine my business and all processes within the company without it. I truly believe that the successful result of work with our clients depends on RankActive.
Site optimization – it is a process with hundreds and even thousands of factors that can affect the results. Just like the plane flight over the ocean – as long as the weather is clear, the pilot has no problems. But as soon as the storm begins and he can see nothing because of zero visibility. All he is able to use is the plane dashboard.
RankActive provides that dashboard with high-precision instruments and metrics for any website at any time.
This is so simple and at the same time fantastically efficient.
Yep, we have information at our fingertips.

RankActive is a really good tool for every Marketing person. It helps me a lot to keep an eye on our competitors, shows what are the weak and strong points on our website and marketing activities and gives us a good tips how to improve. I am very satisfied so far!

I started my small business 5 years ago. There are two ways potential clients find my services, referrals and search engines. I quickly realized I needed to understand SEO and use it more effectively if I wanted my business to survive among the thousand of others competing against me. RankActive is an amazing program for SEO. After spending hours blogging, entering keywords – I had no way of tracking my progress or even knowing if it was effective. With RankActive, I can see exactly where I am ranking on all major search engines for each specific keyword. It helped me define what keywords I needed to focus on more. The interface is super easy to use and understand. Now, if I spend a week actively blogging, I can see the growth via RankActive immediately, which encourages me to continue. In only 1 month of using RankActive my business comes up in the top 10 for 43 keywords. I only wish I could have found RankActive sooner!

As an SEO Agency our SEO tools are like the heart beat of our company. After researching and comparing many SEO tools, we are very happy to have found RankActive. Their SEO platform is like no other. The daily rankings are accurate and reliable. The Google Analytics integration is brilliant. And RankActive’s active support team is stellar! Each and every time RankActive keeps on positively surprising us by adding new useful features, which helps us to grow our business. So, thank you, RankActive team. I highly recommend you for any SEO Agency!

After spending months searching for and testing rank tracking software, I was lucky enough to discover RankActive. They are, hands down, the leader in rank tracking & website analytics software. From the array of tools that they offer to their top-notch support, there is nothing else on the market that comes close to offering the benefits & value that RankActive does. I highly recommend.

RankActive’s keyword ranking replaced our older tool that always needed attention. The old tool’s server was always down, constantly needed rebooting, couldn’t connect to the database, or was giving us some type of error – three or more times each week. When the old tool did work, it often gave very flawed results, which either showed rankings too high or too low. No such problems with RankActive. It gives you rankings without any drama. RankActive has a much better user interface that allows you to add keywords and sites easily, quickly. It allows for easy monitoring of keywords and pages you need to focus on instead of having you worry about managing unwieldy software.

After searching for months to find a rank tracker which could track city, state, and county modified keywords I finally found RankActive. The web-based software makes it extremely easy to track all my clients in one dashboard and see all the cities and Google Map Packs they rank in. You are able to update your rankings at will where most rank trackers only give you once a day or once a week. Add in the benefit of seeing your client's analytics, site audits, and also digging deep into the pages they are ranking for there is not a rank tracker on the market like RankActive. Trust me I have looked.

We started using RankActive when we needed a tool that would bring much of our SEO analysis tasks into one place. We read some rave reviews about the software so thought we’d give it a go. What I enjoyed most about it was the speed and ease of use, it brought functions that we’d use across many tools together allowing us to measure different metrics all in one place. We now have a full service SEO tool, allowing us to invest our time in other areas. Would recommend to a new or advanced SEO!