The project is no longer supported, registration of new users is closed, all subscriptions will be canceled on December 31, 2023. Thank you for being with us all this time!

Was macht RankActive LinkBot auf meiner Seite?

RankActive LinkBot had been designed to analyze all the information on the Internet. We collect information about the popular content on the Internet, data about backlinks and other technical information. Every day we analyze billions of pages on more than 40 parameters. All information is stored on our secure servers.

If you notice that our crawler walks through your site, but you're against it - you can disable the scanning in the robots.txt file

Wie kann ich RankActive LinkBot blockieren?

You can edit the robots.txt file and make the following changes:

User-agent: RankActiveLinkBot
Disallow: /

You can also change the frequency of scanning of your website.

To do this, use the directive Crawl-Delay:
User-agent: RankActiveLinkBot
Crawl-Delay: 5

Was ist robots.txt?

More details about the robots.txt file can be found here:

Warum hat der Robots.txt Block aufgehört die Seite zu scannen?

The process of reindexing the robots.txt file can last up to 3 days. If you want to stop the scan immediately, just write us:

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