Tag Archives: SEO audit

Beginner’s Guide to Negative SEO: How to Monitor and Defend Your Website Against Negative SEO Services

21 December 2018 George Svash 0 Comments TECHNICAL SEO

Starting any business, you face hundreds of competitors who don’t want to lose their income. Among numerous marketing strategies, SEO plays one of the major roles in the brand’s promotion. And here’s the thing: while you work hard on your online presence, someone can work on spoiling your achievements. As more companies started using this […]

The step-by-step Guide to Creating an SEO Audit

5 April 2018 Philip Volna 1 Comment ON-PAGE SEO

From time to time you need to do vehicle inspection. Every week if not everyday you clean your house. When you catch cold you go to the hospital to consult a doctor who gives you a full report on your current health condition. Why? You check your car to make sure it meets all the […]